a b o u t d i s m a n t l i n g r a c i s m w o r k s
Dismantling Racism Works (dRworks) has had the honor of learning with and from hundreds of activists, leaders, and community members over the course of our 12 years. With hearts full of gratitude for that spirit of collective growing, we announce we are no longer offering trainings, workshops, or organizational consulting. Dismantling Racism Works did our work in fluctuating political climates from 2005 and for another decade before that under the name of ChangeWork until we closed in May 2017. We know this work is far from over. We know that we continue to have an incredibly strong need for wise and thoughtful anti-racist leadership in this moment. We hope that the resources dRworks has generated can be part of that ongoing work and to that end, we are making our workbook and resources available on this website. We ask each of you who have been touched in some way by the dRworks process to continue moving into embodied, healing anti-racist practice for yourself and the movement in the years to come. We look forward to continuing to fight for a more just world alongside you in different ways and forms. We offer infinite love and respect to all of the trainers who have been part of dRworks since 2004: Cecelia Alvarado, Cynthia Brown, Bree Carlson, Keagha Carscallen, Cristina Rivera Chapman, Meredith Dean, Jonathan Henderson, Delmarie Hines, Vivette Jeffries-Logan, Alice Johnson, Michelle Johnson, Kenneth Jones, Jes Kelley, Tema Okun, Suzanne Plichik. |
If you are looking for workshops or other support, we invite you to check out these fabulous groups:
Anti-Oppression Resources and Training Alliance (AORTA)
Biwa | Emergent Equity
The Catalyst Project
The Center for Equity and Inclusion
The Equity Paradigm
Oni Blackstock | Health Justice
Intersectional Agenda Consulting
Kari Points: Facilitator, Coach, Researcher
Libélula Consulting
Manju Rajendran
Michelle Johnson
OpenSource Leadership Strategies
Tepeyac Consulting
The People's Institute for Survival and Beyond
Racial Equity Institute (REI)
YM Carrington is a Black Jewish queer person who offers two Tik Tok sites exploring all those intersections - YMC Media and Sistayiddishkeit.
They are available for speaking and consulting.
Biwa | Emergent Equity
The Catalyst Project
The Center for Equity and Inclusion
The Equity Paradigm
Oni Blackstock | Health Justice
Intersectional Agenda Consulting
Kari Points: Facilitator, Coach, Researcher
Libélula Consulting
Manju Rajendran
Michelle Johnson
OpenSource Leadership Strategies
Tepeyac Consulting
The People's Institute for Survival and Beyond
Racial Equity Institute (REI)
YM Carrington is a Black Jewish queer person who offers two Tik Tok sites exploring all those intersections - YMC Media and Sistayiddishkeit.
They are available for speaking and consulting.
At the dRworks closing celebration in May 2017,
we invited guests to share what they know for sure about working for racial justice.
This poem is the result.